We staff the highest caliber, professional inspectors.
SERVICE CALLS (844) 643-4273
NDT Midgard Scientific Team is at the ready and we would like to amaze you! We staff the highest caliber, professionals, inspectors, instructors, and consultants. Our staff meets the requirements of a variety of codes and standards, including but not limited to ASTM, ASME, NAVSEA, API, AWS and many more.
We have qualified personnel to help with inspections, training, audits, outages, turnarounds, oversight, and compliance. We are ready to mobilize to any location worldwide at a moment's notice.
We have qualified personnel to help with inspections, training, audits, outages, turnarounds, oversight, and compliance. We are ready to mobilize to any location worldwide at a moment's notice.
Audit Preparation
We can provide reliable preparation for audits by procedure, documentation, data, and compliance assessment. As an independent party, we can ensure your audit is successful.
Bonded Structures Testing
Ultrasonic bond testing can ensure the integrity of your bonded structures. Whether you are still in production and need to ensure a process is providing quality workmanship or periodic inspections of structured during their life cycle. We can provide you with the appropriate ultrasonic bone testing inspections.
We strive for the highest quality possible while also focusing on cost reduction of industrial infrastructure. We deliver Level III NDT consulting services for many industrial applications by continuous development of comprehensive training and qualification programs. Whether you need a full-scale in-house program or simply need the basics for compliance, we can help.
Contract Compliance
Our Compliance Specialists monitors and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements related to Nondestructive Testing. Midgard Scientific Specialists handle the activities related to keeping compliant with federal regulations, licensures, contracts, qualifications, and approvals of those products.
Eddy Current Testing
Eddy Current testing is used to locate surface and sub-surface flaws in conductive materials. We use this method to detect material thickness measurements, crack detection, coating thickness measurements, and conductivity for heat damage detection, material identification, case depth determination, and heat treatment monitoring.
Eddy Current Tubing Analysis
Eddy current tubing analysis is a type of testing that identifies common tube problems that result from equipment failure and a non-scheduled downtime. We use this method to inspect boilers, heat exchangers, air coolers, feed water heaters, surface condenser, centrifugal, reciprocals, and absorbers and other materials.
Expert Witness
As a disinterested third party, we can provide testing of materials relevant to your court case. We can testify then to the status of said material as an expert witness.
Facility Audits
Auditing services for you or your vendors. We offer complete QA system audits or streamlined audits specific to certifications, welding, or nondestructive testing. We also offer assistance in creating quality assurance program manuals and procedures if requested.
For Insurance Underwriting
We live in an extremely litigious world. Insurance claims are through the roof. We can provide to you scientific documentation of the status of an item to be insured. In short, we can help reduce the likelihood of a bogus claim by using nondestructive testing to determine quality status.
Hook & Crane Inspection
On-site or at our location, we can provide complete Nondestructive Testing of your lifting device. Excessive wear, excessive gouges, out of plane bending, deformation, and missing capacity markings are identified and inspected.
Infrared Testing
Infrared testing is one of our inspection process utilizing thermography to perform situational non-destructive testing.
Leak Inspection
Our technicians will distinguish leaks caused by defects, leaks in newly manufactured products and materials permitting gas diffusion and permeation, and virtual leak.
Level I Training
This Level I training course is designed to introduce the theory and principles of all NDT disciplines. The students are expected to understand the equipment used in every method and learn to calibrate instruments and identify every method test specimens.
Level II Training
This training is required to those who have completed Level I training of the five major Nondestructive testing disciplines namely: Radiographic Testing, Ultrasonic Testing, Visual Testing, Liquid Penetrant Testing, and Magnetic Particle Testing. This training exceeds the instruction outline specified in ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A.
Level III Training
This training is for those who have completed Level II training. At the conclusion of our training course, students are expected to establish techniques and procedures, interpret codes, standards and specifications, and designing particular nondestructive testing method, technique, and procedure to use. Students must have equipped of knowledge of materials, fabrication, and the technology of the products.
Liquid Penetrant Testing
It is the least expensive nondestructive testing method. Used for the detection of discontinuities that breach the surface smooth, non-porous specimen. Typical discontinuities that can be identified include quench cracks, grinding cracks, fatigue cracks, overload and impact fractures, porosity, laps, seams, pinholes in welds, and lack of fusion. | read more …
Magnetic Optic Imaging
A widely utilizing nondestructive testing method compared to the rest of the methods due to its speed process and effortless applications. It is a leading technique we offer to visualize directly the static and dynamic magnetic behavior of ferromagnetic materials.
Magnetic Particle Testing
Having an NDT technicians can be profitable and have a high churn rate. Our technicians use this method to utilize either direct or alternate current. This method also is used to detect surface and sub-surface discontinuity.
Military Validation
We provide NDT qualification and certification for military and government civilian personnel. In fact we offer quite a bit of free web based training to all veterans. If you are hiring a veteran and cannot resolve their cryptic training history, we can help.
Military Verification
Often times a veteran will have lost their training documents from service performed years prior. We may be able to assist you in acquiring and verifying prior service training documents. Midgard NDT is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business, operated by Air Force and Navy veterans and retirees.
Personnel Certification
Per the law and regulations, technicians require certification before they can proceed to inspect or perform to a designated task. Midgard Scientific supports NDT personnel to become quality NDT certified technicians in every aspect of the NDT world.
Mediation is one of Midgard Scientific services can offer to help support constructive dialogue between suppliers, notifiers and other national and international agents.
Personnel Augmentation
We can help you by providing skilled personnel during your work overages or to ensure contract compliance. Perfect for an additional short-term workforce.
Phased Array Inspection
Phase array is an advanced ultrasonic technology we offer that uses a multi-element transducer. It utilizes wave physics, which also have application in fields like optics and electromagnetic antennae. It can sweep sound beams through a range of refracted angles or along a linear path, or focus dynamically the number of different depths that cause to increase the flexibility and capability of inspection setups.
Procedure Review
NDT procedures are a company’s handbook for performing nondestructive tests. To ensure that the scope, equipment inspection process and proper report formats required are written effectively, we offer our service to review your written procedures to make sure you meet the applicable codes. We can arrange it by mail or visit your location.
Procedure Validation
Writing a procedure is a precise process. Validation of accuracy is imperitive. We will ensure that your procedure is within the specifications of specific references, standards, codes and laws. The NDT industry is 90% preparation and 10% action, never skimp on documentation or the perfection of a procedure.
Procedure Writing
We offer Level III procedure writing assistance for general and advanced NDT. Using our advanced technical writing skills, we can find smaller flaws in both composites and metallic structures that most likely allow larger intervals between inspections. Our team has over 96 years combined industrial experience from both military and civilian world. We assist with individual procedure writing, Service Bulletins, or writing your entire Nondestructive Testing Manual.
Program Development
This program is for companies who require the services of an NDT Level III occasionally. This program is custom-made to your specific needs or your organization to ensure the operation of the program has a well-established guideline and has the highest possible efficiency. Our development services include NDT training, personnel certifications, consultations with NDT personnel, procedure writing, technique sheets, consultation with your client about NDT program, and record keeping.
Project Management
While there are plenty of opportunity in the field of the NDT industry, project management plays the important role in operating projects successfully. Our team prepares plans for you based on equipment inspection history and process condition. We manage large inspection related projects and assist in organizing customer equipment documentation. We help organize inspection data and perform analysis to determine future requirements or provide the necessary documentation to meet specific regulatory requirements.
Quality Control Review
Our main objective is to assure the correctness and accuracy of the test results. We make sure that customers and regulatory bodies meet the requirements for the safety of industry applications that are related to a testing method, personnel qualification and classification of test results. Quality system shall be maintained to satisfy customer demands and the regulatory requirements during nondestructive testing activities.
Midgard Scientific assists the Nondestructive Testing industry with talent scouting and job placement. To the employers, we are full-time scouts who are willing to balance your workload and time consumption by utilizing us in finding new talent to replace or fill the position of your projects.
At Midgard we strive to help quality individuals find quality jobs. Our goal is to raise the bar of integrity industry wide. We are not only looking for qualified individuals for Midgard but we are constantly on the lookout for individuals to meet the needs of our customers.
Remote Field Tubing Analysis
With the data collected, this method is the quickest and fastest way of inspecting than any other method. Inspection can be done on site to provide immediate results. For large projects, inspection can be done at a remote location that saves time and cost to the customer. Using our Tubing Analysis Services, we deliver a full wealth of knowledge and technical expertise to several industry. The type of inspection you need in tubing depends on the characteristics and the expected damage impact. Our professionals will assist you to choose what proper inspection program to apply.
Shearwave Testing
This testing is one of the most advanced techniques applicable to nondestructive testing of concrete especially to large structures like bridge piers or foundations. Depends on the amount of the steel, concrete density, and other factors, Midgard Scientific has an experienced consultant that can provide the most exacting results and provide interpretation at their expertise.
Source Radiography
Although industrial radiography is used for a variety of applications, the most common our expert technicians will use are the two sources of radiation namely, X-radiation and Gamma radiation. Depends on the size of the component and the materials thickness, our technicians and professionals can be utilized to radiograph large and thick casting and forging, weld applications, and thin wall material inspections.
Thickness Testing
The collapse of the Mississippi River Bridge and the failure of the infrastructure of Deepwater Horizon is the best example of NDT needs and demands. To gauge the integrity and avoid catastrophic failures, NDT plays an important role. Applying this method, our professional consultants can determine whether a component has reached its useful service of life and be able to repair or replace before it destroys thousands of lives.
Training & Certification
In compliance with SNT-TC-1A, NAS-410 and other recommended practices and standards, certification is necessary before performing designated task of inspection. Midgard Scientific offers variety of training options, and can certify candidates upon completion of known requirements.
Ultrasonic Testing
Ultrasonic is one of the best method of NDT Inspection based on generating ultrasonic waves in the object or materials. Inspection is used to detect flaws/evaluation, dimensional measurements, material characterization, and many more.
Visual Inspection
Visual inspection may just be the original method of NDT. Testing objects, parts or components visually, is the oldest method is the oldest role, but reliable to the nondestructive testing field. This method is considered applicable to all products as a quality assurance tool.
X-Ray Radiographic Testing
Midgard Scientific offers a variety of x-ray services for nondestructive testing to small and large size components. We provide quick retraction in high volume production requirements. Radiographic testing is a non-destructive testing of components and assemblies which based on differential absorption of penetrating radiation.
Accident Investigation
Accident investigation boards, attorneys, and insurance companies may require nondestructive inspection services in order to structurally determine the cause of an accident. Midgard Scientific can perform crash or mishap investigation NDT inspections.
Aeronautical Aerospace Aviation
The materials that are used to build aircraft are subjected to stresses and temperature variations that other materials never see. This is why it is imperative to find small problems before they turn into catastrophic problems. Midgard NDT professionals are well-versed on aerospace inspections. We can provide ongoing manpower assistance and we can help with a one-time inspection.
Amusement Parks Recreation
If it moves, it can crack. If it’s exposed to the elements, it can corrode. Keeping the rides safe at amusement parks is vitally important to both the customers and your bottom line. A small crack can end up destroying a ride or causing an injury if it is not found in time. Midgard NDT is ready to help keep the rides safe for thrill seekers.
Depending on what the material is required, our expert technicians will help provide the exact method to use as required. This can be the method of PT, UT or Magnetic Particle. From engine blocks to axles we can inspect your automotive parts to determine if they are cracked or defective.
Many cities and counties are bringing online periodic billboard inspections. Partly due to neighborhood blight, but also due to aging infrastructure and safety.
We provide ultrasonic beer analysis capable of wort extract concentration measurement, original gravity, suspended solids, wort plato, yeast percentage and analysis of waste water. In addition, we provide weld inspections on your pressure vessels, vats and other containers. Human beer taste analysis is free of charge.
Bridge and Building Fabrication
The news agencies keep telling us about the deteriorating bridges in our country. Before repairs can be completed, you need to know the extent of any damage there may be. Modern technology allows us to look inside the bridge materials to see if the structure is able to withstand the traffic that crosses them.
Chemical and Petrochemical
We offer complete inspections, detailed to your needs, during plant operations. We also offer a full spectrum general inspection program for ad-hoc inspections on your boilers, columns, storage tanks, towers and piping to list a few.
New construction projects require in-process inspections of welds and other fabrication processes. Whether you need visual testing or a full CWI technician, Midgard NDT can make sure your buildings are constructed safely and efficiently.
Defense and Military
Last year, the military services were forced to downsize their aircraft maintenance personnel. NDT was a part of this drawdown. If you need assistance performing inspections on your military equipment, our NAS-410 technicians can help you out. Midgard NDT is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business and we know how to perform inspections on aircraft, ships, or any other military equipment you may have.
Using Radiographic Testing techniques, we can provide you with “x-ray images” of the internal components of most electronic devices. Taking a device a part may be destructive to your needs, if you are seeking a solution toward finding a loose connection, frayed wires, bad soldering, or any number of possible physical/electronic issues, give us a call.
Fine Art Conservation
Often times priceless works of art such as statues require repairs. Material identification and internal structures need to be identified prior to any reconstruction or preservation. Nondestructive Testing methods can be used to determine this information enabling the Conservator to make better decisions in the direction of restoration.
Everything we use in our daily lives has been manufactured at some point. Everything manufactured also comes with a life span. NDT is used to prolong the life span of manufactured materials and ensure the safety factors of these materials persists. The entire infrastructure of our modern life has the potential for a nondestructive inspection. Give us a call if your item is not listed but you feel an inspection is warranted.
Lifting devices
Midgard Scientific can support any and all of your load bearing and lifting equipment NDT inspections. As in all of our inspections, we will rapidly provide to you an error free report of our findings or a clean bill of health. We perform all of our lifting device inspections per federal, state, local or specific code.
From the newly formed billets to the final products, NDT can help you find materials that are not up to standards. Finding these issues early in the manufacturing process saves time and money that would have been spent processing the materials into final products only to be rejected after all the work was done. These tests are relatively quick and easy for use to perform.
Maritime & Shipbuilding
The best time to find a problem with ships is when they are close to shore. Don’t skip inspections that could save your maritime assets and keep your crews safe. Let us inspect these for defects before they are sent out into the open water. Corrosion can be a slow process and we can locate and have it repaired before it causes bigger problems.
Nuclear Industry
Safety at nuclear plants is imperative. As recent events in Japan have shown, when these facilities are unable to contain radioactive materials, the results can be devastating. Midgard NDT can perform leak testing, pressure vessel testing, and a variety of other tests that can ensure safe operations for producing energy.
Oil and Gas
Everyone needs oil and with constant demand comes the need for ensured reliability, government regulations, safety, and environmental protection; all of these can damage a bottom line. NDT is one of the best means of ensuring equipment, processes, and training are all compliant to codes and standards. From rigs to pipelines to recertification of steel, we can support you.
Power Generation & Energy
Power plants lose money when they shut down for repairs. Midgard NDT can assist with periodic inspections that can be performed during scheduled downtime. This can save you money by identifying issues that can be repaired before they cause an unscheduled stop to production.
Wind Power
We are experienced in the inspection of wind power components such as ejectors, struts, fan blades, mounting base, rotors, etc. From crack detection, corrosion, thickness testing and the testing of layered/bonded structures we can provide the testing support you need.